My last goodbye

                                                        angel in clouds

She opens her eyes
The wings, resting on top of her eyelids
Flutter as she tries to dilate the truth.
She sees bright clouds
but the heavy emotions that are intravenous in her veins
restrain her from floating;
they become distant and abstract
like her life is withholding, her
body is weak
because society’s words act as vampires
draining her from her being.
This is her disease

She hear trumpets.
A sweet, symphonic orchestra that sound distant
with chords of voices that scream her name.
Her eager ears play catch
chasing after the harmony of death and an unknown pensive light.
The more she seeks the further the voices become
She tries to catch them with her fingers
but the voices vibrate through them
like sheets of air.
She is now ascending from my fingertips
like a choir singing away a prayer
to an armless God.
The words that were eating her alive
are no longer there.
She is stronger now.
The wings on her eyelids are now
the wings on her back
Fluttering like my tongue when i tell her goodbye.

I close my eyes
And i feel her reviving inside of me.
Her spirit is drowning peacefully
in my blood.
She is painting my skin
a vibrant glow of true happiness.
Even though her body
is sinking in the bed
Her soul is lingering in me instead.

Soul Killer

Your skin was Cocaine pale
Your clothes were torn and dingy
Your shoes exposed your toes
But you were still beautiful
You were still beautiful to me

Your nails were crusty like pieces of tree bark
Your eyes were black like tobacco
Your hair was falling like leaves in the fall
So i opened my wings
Opened my wings

When i found you, you were reaching for life
Your heart was beating smoke
and you were lying next to your guitar
Then i began to sing
I began to sing

My words and notes created chords with your  breathe
Your skin was becoming rich with colour
And you were becoming rich with love
You started to play with me
Play with me

Your guitar was ash grey
The strings were rusted and abandoned
Yet your hands were smooth and aesthetic
We sung symphonies
Oh , sweet symphonies

You were vibrant like a god
Your guitar became vibrant like a goddess
And I was becoming pale like a ghost
Your music drained me
Choked me from my being

Bird Song

dead bird, faded

There was a bird,
That was soaring through drunken days and sober nights.
It’s wings,
Were fluttering gracefully, making the winds cry.

That bird,
Was beginning to loose its flight.
It’s wings,
Were punctured by an arrow that shot through the layers of blind light.

That bird
Lost its balance with harmony by falling from grace, falling from biblical height
It’s wings,
Were broken like the promises that were made from it’s beak.

That bird,
Was a decaying corpse of manipulation in sight.
It’s wings,
Were turning into ashes from the colour of pure white.

That bird,
Rotted away for seventeen years, it’s fears turned into spite.
It’s wings,
Shriveled up like skin on a dead body floating in the immortal night.

That bird,
Lived with regretful whispers that broke down it’s might.
It’s wings,
Were like closets, filled up to capacity with weights that made the bird weak.

Misunderstood Half

Your heavy feet

   Are heavy like

   Your cemented heart

 They echoed in my soul

Composing my heat’s forgotten beat. 

With each step

   I crawl deeper

   Into my shadow.

 My shadow pushed me away

Exposing my emotion’s naked heap.

Approaching me slowly

   I waited with

   anticipated temptations. I 

 turned around and saw you

Staring down at me deeply.

Your feet were

   Bleeding, your hands

   Were toxic, your

  Heart was blossoming, your eyes

Were hypnotizing…you loved me.

I judged you

   While you were

   Apart of me

 I let you in unknowingly

But i knew. Forgive me


That saw,

That saw that you seesawed into my heart

Is leaving painful impressions of desperation

That saw had dull edges,

But you kept cutting me with aspiration

You saw my tears creep down

My face and you saw your own reflection

You were hurting me and you loved it

You were violating my body like an infection

Our love,

Rocks back and forth like seesaws in a black forest

It is raining heavily,

And you let me sit there in the thundering light

I was sitting up high, dangerously

Like clouds dangling from a noose

You left the other side low and distant like it was scared of me

The other side was abandoned and dark

Like my soul, it was apart of me

Your words,

Contradict their selves like seesaws

Your mind is like a galaxy

It devours your lies and spits out confusion

You go back and forth, up and down…

do you know what straight is? Your world is made out of fabricated illusions

You will never reach equilibrium- seesaws

Colors of Our Love



I say i am sorry now

And i wont say sorry then

You can not tell me

That this is all pretend

You say you love me now

But you wont say it again

This is a tragedy

Written with murdering pens

For a while our love flowed

Like the mystic rivers

But it drained out

It left us cold and made us shiver

Our love dissolved

Like the pieces of our hearts

The pieces turned black

And left us with no where to start

Mrs. Blue what did we do?

Things turned us black

Now look at you

Looking at me looking through

The cracked glass on the wall

Mrs. Broken how do you do?

Trying to piece up what is left of you

But you cant do it without glue

Who will be there to give it to you?

Mrs. Black i see through

Your mask of pain and it is true

That i feel pain just like you

Colors of our love

The puppets

Our lives are written with tragic ink.

The ink is red making us individual beings cohere in sync.

The ink is thick, it comes from our veins, it pumps our hearts, and it’s making us die so fast that we cant even blink. 


Our authur is our puppet master.

He controls us with strings on a cardboard stage, it is called “News on T.V”

When will we see that this has been going on for years and it is our lives that we need to chase after?

Cut away all the strings, tear away from those beings, and watch what has been unfolding.

The boiling pot will over boil if it is left on the stove for a while. All that is left is disaster


Our limbs are flimsy and weak.

They are being tossed about like they are parts of a toy.

We are played with 25/8 like we are things that has no mouths to speak.


Our page is burning, the page is almost gone and our authur is yearning

We die off and we have no life story.

That is how we made it so we cant go back or say sorry.

The time has no problems with moving and with no worries.


Happy Thoughts

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts…Squirrel!

It looks so adorable with its puffy fur and it’s cute fluffy tail that curls.

It play with friends innocently like tiny animals do. The squirrel it plays with runs fast and wild so it runs fast and wild too.

BAM, goes the police car that runs the lifeless squirrel over like they sometimes do with our lives.

No justice will be done because it was an “animal” so it is suppose to die, right?

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts…Flower!

They come in many different colors, they do different things but when it comes down to ground lines they all have equal amount of power.

Those flowers are elegant and beautiful in the spring breeze. Those flowers look evil and dark in summer sin.

STOMP, goes the hateful boots that smashes the flower’s lives.

No justice will be done because they were “plants” so they were suppose to die, right?

Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts…Child!

That baby is so cute to the point where i want to pinch it’s cheeks and hold it tight so it cant be defiled.

It is brilliantly surviving, florescently thriving, and growing up with pureness in it’s mind.

WHOP, goes the smack of a contaminated hand that persuade you to corruption. Making you fall in the bottomless pit of wrong living and close minded judgment that masks our lives.

No justice will be done because it’s a “human” and it is suppose to die, right?