Happy Sunday!


Goody morning my lovely aliens! I wanted to be a giver of this photo so we can all keep in mind: giving is one act that makes the world go around. Most likely you will receive something in return and who does not like that right? Sometimes you don’t of course and we should never forget that either. I am not saying to just give because of what you will receive but give because you want to. Give because it makes you feel good. I wanted to give you good vibes and inspiration this morning and hopefully it reaches out to you. Blessed Be All!

Goody morning post!


Hallo and goody morning to all the aliens out there!
I’m going to try to start posting some inspirational and motivational posts every morning! It helps me but maybe it will inspire and help you all too!

Know that time heals almost everything so give the time some time. If you are going through trial and tribulations everything will fall in place in due time. Everything happens for a reason even if you can not seem to grasp the reason why it happens. Just remember that time will always be there to place a bandage over your wounds. Time is like a natural Neosporin! Lol

“New Year New Me”


Hallo everyone!
I have missed this blog and all the great writers and literary works that come along with it. It has been quite a while since i have posted anything and it has been a while since i have read anything on here. This is going to change-hopefully!
The new year is coming and i feel like it is my time to become new once again. I feel like tonight is the rebirth of a Randi that even i am going to be shocked to see. Of course, this is a spectacular change and i’m glad that i am committing to make it.  This may seem pretty cliche with the whole “new year new me” motto but i have never felt this way before.

The year of 2013 has been very rocky: emotionally, financially, physically,  and in many other ways. I have done some things that i would have never thought i would do. No, they were not good but i have learned from these horrible decisions and no i do not regret them. I have done some things that has empowered me into independence and a new found womanhood. I have also done some things that has caused me to question myself and who i really am. I’m actually glad that i have done all of these things because it has lead me to the realization that i lost myself. I am only 17 and i am losing myself. Well, now i am grateful that i have the knowledge to realize this so that i can find myself. 2014 will be a year of exploration and adventure for me. I am not setting certain resolutions for myself because i know myself well enough: i know that how i feel today can be completely different from tomorrow and how i think tomorrow can be completely different in a week from now. 2014 is the year for me to take control of my life without any exceptions. I know what i want (self love, peace, a foundation, motivation to do what i love and what i need to, good health, devotion, a clear mind, standards and a lot more) and now i need to achieve it. It is right there. Oh, so close…

I am excited to see what the new year has to offer me and what i have to offer it. I hope everyone’s new year will go in the right direction for them. We all know that in life you are going to have bad times and rough moments but i hope the good outweighs the bad! Happy New Year everyone!! Peace and Harmony